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Audio & Subtitles

Russian Dolby Digital 5.1
English Dolby True Atmos 5.1
German Dolby Digital 5.1
French Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish (Castilian) Dolby Digital 5.1
Italian Dolby Digital 5.1

Russian, English, Spanish (Castilian), French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish


• Deleted Scenes (with Play All - 15:44)
- Dad Comes Home (0:50)
- Light and Darkness (2:23)
- Victory Kiss (0:55)
- Cecy (1:24)
- Bird Plays "Sakura Sakura" on Shamisen (2:09)
- Bird Plays "Cherry Blossom Song" on Shamisen (0:59)
- Bird Hits Fitzgerald (4:08)
- Louie Taken to Barracks After Beating (0:58)
- Family Photo (0:35)
- What a Deal (1:33)
• "Inside Unbroken" featurettes (with Play All - 27:23)
- "Fifty Years in the Making" (5:33)
- "The Fight of a Storyteller – Director Angelina Jolie" (11:45)
- "The Hardiest Generation" (10:14)
• "The Real Louis Zamperini" featurette (29:47)
• Cast and Crew Concert Featuring Miyavi (7:42)
• "Prison Camp Theater: Cinderella" featurette (6:29)
• "Louis' Path to Forgiveness" featurette (6:43)




The film tells the true story of American track and field athlete Louis Zamperini, who took part in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. He did not win the final race, but gained the favor of Hitler, who invited him to his box. It was assumed that Zamperini would take part in the next Olympic Games, but due to the outbreak of World War II, he was forced to go to the front. His plane crashed over the Pacific Ocean, after which Zamperini, along with two fellow soldiers, spent 47 days adrift on a raft and was captured by the Japanese, where he was subjected to abuse and torture. He returned home only after the end of the war.

Director & Actors

Director: Angelina Jolie

Cast: Jack O'Connell, Domhnall Gleeson, Takamasa Ishihara, Garrett Hedlund, Finn Wittrock, Jai Courtney, John Magaro, Luke Treadaway, Alex Russell, John D'Leo