Game of Thrones. Season 7 (4 Blu-ray)
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Title: Game of Thrones. Season 7 (2017; USA, United Kingdom)
Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Adventure
Runtime: 666 min.
Media: 3 x BD-50 + BD-25
Region: A, B, C
Director: Alan Taylor, David Nutter, Alex Graves
Game of Thrones. Season 7
Having lost all her children, Queen Mother Cersei Lannister is trying to rule Westeros on her own. She had no friends or allies left. And the woman has no choice - she is not going to give up under any circumstances. Cersei has already dealt with many of her enemies, and hopes that she can defeat the remaining ones. After the death of Walder Frey, a no less bloody struggle unfolds for the throne of the Riverlands than for the Iron Lands. The Greyjoys, with the support of Daenerys, are going to deal with their uncle Euron, who treacherously killed their father. Jon Snow, having recaptured Winterfeld from the bloodthirsty Russo Bolton, is preparing for the final battle with the Others approaching from the North along with a countless army of the dead, which is growing by leaps and bounds. One of the decisive roles in the battle should be played by the weakling Samwell Tarly, who is training to become a maester in Oldtown. Daenerys Targaryen, having put an end to her relationship with the slave traders of Meereen, leaves her lover Daario in charge of the city, and she, along with Tyrion, Varys and the Greyjoys, sails to Westeros to finally get even with her old enemies. After the secret of Jon Snow's birth comes to light, his half-brother Bran travels to the South. List of episodes: 1. “Dragonstone” 2. “Stormborn” 3. “The Queen’s Justice” 4. “Spoils of War” 5. “Eastwatch” 6. “Beyond the Wall” 7. “The Dragon and the Wolf”
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